Join Omaha REIA Today!

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Welcome to the Omaha Real Estate Investors Association (Omaha REIA) page! We are delighted that you're interested in joining our community.

At Omaha REIA, we believe that everyone can benefit from learning about real estate investing, regardless of their level of experience. Our subscribers are a diverse group of individuals who share a common goal of improving their knowledge and skills in real estate.

Joining Omaha REIA is simple! You can pay by cash or check made out to Omaha REIA, LLC during our monthly meeting, which is open to visitors and participants at all levels of experience.

Subscribers who are current with the Annual Dues listed below attend monthly meetings for free. Non-subscribers pay $20.00/person at the door. There is no need to register for the monthly meeting.

Special events, held on the first Tuesday of the month, are free for current subscribers (dues current) and vary in cost for non-subscribers. For events held on days other than the first Tuesday of the month, subscribers receive discounted rates.

If you have any questions or need more information, please feel free to contact us at 402-990-9976 or email .

Here are the current annual dues:



Annual Individual - $125 / yr.


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Lifetime Membership - $995 Upfront


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